Monday, October 5, 2009


Dukkah is a Moorish crumbly spice and nut mixture served in many different ways. Traditionally it is served with pieces of pita bread and individual bowls of a high quality extra virgin olive oil for dipping. One dips the bread in oil, then in the Dukkah. Divine.

I don’t recall where I got this recipe, since it is one I’ve made a while now. You can also use it in cooking. I particularly like drizzling chunks or slices of vegetables with olive oil then liberally coating them in Dukkah and roasting them in the oven.

1 cup of shelled pistachio nuts (I am profoundly glad that you can now purchase shelled pistachios and don’t need to shell nuts to get the kernels.)
1 cup of almonds
1 tablespoon of whole coriander seeds
1 tablespoon of whole cumin seeds
½ teaspoon of dried thyme
¼ cup of sesame seeds
¼ teaspoon of salt
First toast the nuts in a hot oven for about 15 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Don’t ignore them, they can burn easily. Toast the spice seeds and sesame seeds separately in the same way. Cool and combine with the remaining ingredients in a food processor. Pulse the mixture until it resembles small breadcrumbs. The mixture should be very dry and crumbly, not a paste. If it’s a paste, you over processed it but do not despair, now just add a little olive oil and use it as a spread on fancy toast or crackers. Be careful as over processing can release the oil from the nuts making the mixture moist, which you don't want.
How to serve Dukkah:
Simply dip small pieces of fresh bread in good quality olive oil and then into the Dukkah and eat, yum!
Spread pita bread or pizza bases with some olive oil and Dukkah, and then lightly grill. Cut into wedges and serve.
Coat chicken or fish in Dukkah and grill.
Sprinkle over your salads or pasta dishes.

Variation - credited to Mystery Person

I found this one online (of course) but don't recall where. If anyone knows where I found it, let me know so I may give credit where credit is abundantly due.
1 cup shelled roasted pistachio nuts*
1 cup shelled roasted almonds
1 tablespoon whole coriander seeds
1 tablespoon whole fennel seeds
1 tablespoon whole cumin seeds
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon Smoked Spanish Paprika (optional)
1 tablespoon coarse salt or sea salt
1 to 2 teaspoons coarsely crushed black pepper

* Hazelnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, and/or peanuts may be substituted. If you cannot purchase roasted nuts, toast the nuts in a hot oven for approximately 10 minutes (watch closely so they do not burn), stirring frequently.

In a separate container from the nuts, toast coriander seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seed in a hot oven for approximately 5 to 8 minutes (also watch carefully so they do not burn). Remove from oven and let cool.

In your food processor, grind your toasted nuts until the mixture resembles small breadcrumbs. The mixture should be very dry and crumbly, not a paste. Be careful as over processing can release the oils in the nuts and turn the mixture into a nut spread such as peanut butter.

In a mortar and pestle, grind the coriander seeds, fennels seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, and red pepper flakes slightly. You can try using your food processor for this, but I find the seeds are too small for using it.

In a bowl, combine the crushed nuts, crushed seeds, Smoked Spanish Paprika, salt, and pepper. Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary. Store mixture in a covered container in the refrigerator.

To serve as a dip: Place 1 cup Dukkah in a small bowl and about 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil in a separate bowl. Dip cubes of fresh crusty bread first into the oil, then into the Dukkah and enjoy!

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